What Does It Mean To Be A G&J Teen??

Being a G&J teen is all about accepting who you are. We were not created to fit in, but rather designed to stand out. G&J teens recognize that God made each and every one of us different because we were all made to do a specific thing. 
Each G&J teen has a different gift/ability but we all unite together for our common goal, to reclaim this generation as God's. We yearn to get the word out to our fellow teens, to share God's love. We're tired of satan winning our generation over, so we have decided to do something about it.
So, what does it mean to be a G&J teen?? It means we follow God with our whole heart (even if it doesn't make us quiet as popular as we would like) and we accept God's calling on our life (to reclaim this generation), we know we were not created to fit in, but rather designed to stand out( even when we are made fun of for it), last of all we vow to stand up for our faith when everyone else backs down.